Choosing the perfect summer camp that enlightens, excites, and encourages your child’s exploration of new subjects can be a difficult task. In an effort to share our knowledge and help families throughout the Cincinnati region find great camps for their children, we’ve compiled a list of summer programs that fit the description. The list is organized by topics of interest and is compiled mostly of programs local to the region.
Many summer camps on this list were not designed specifically for gifted children, but due to their intellectual focus, have drawn the attention of our organization’s families. Whatever your child’s interests and abilities, we hope you’ll find a summer camp to fit her/his needs!
The list of camps provided below include links to each camp website for further investigation. While The Super Saturday does not endorse any specific programs, this list has been compiled over a number of years by parents and guardians of our students, who like you, were looking for camps that would fulfill the needs of their curious and knowledge-seeking children.
Super Saturday 2024 Summer Camp List
We hope this helps you find exactly what you were looking for!