Teen Community Service Opportunities

View Printable Flyer »

Teen Teacher’s Aides »
Helpers for setup and/or pack-up »
Service-Learning Project »

1) Teen Teacher’s Aides

Selected teens assist teachers in the classroom.  Training is provided in leadership skills and in accommodating the sensitivities and common learning difficulties and disabilities of intellectually gifted children.  Throughout the term, there will be opportunities to develop leadership skills and confidence.  Leadership skills include being proactive, planning, adaptability, communication, team building, assertiveness, and conflict management.

Former TSSP students have found helping in the classroom rewarding because they get to pay forward the unique learning experience they received at TSSP and contribute to a community that appreciates what often separates them from others.  Not all our teen teacher’s aides have been previous students in TSSP.

This opportunity is a good fit for gifted students, students who are considering a career in teaching or who otherwise enjoy working with children, and those who love learning themselves.

Teen Leader Volunteers
Teen Leader Volunteers
If you are age 13 to 17 and are interested in being a Teen Teacher’s Aide, prior to each term…

#1 Annual Policy Agreement read and sign if you have one on file for current school year, review
if not, read and sign
#2 Annual Application complete New Applicant version if you have one on file for current school year, skip
if not, complete Returning Teens version
#3 Intent to Participate for Term complete each term
#4 Release to Own Recognizance optional – By signing form, parent/guardian will not have to sign in and sign out teen participant.
#5 email forms to teenadvocate@supersaturday.org
#6 If you have not taken Super Saturday classes, have your parent or guardian create an online account HERE. n/a
#7 If your application is approved, register for the “AM Teen Leader Program” and/or “PM Teen Leader Program” class in the registration system HERE.

Teens who sign up for one shift, morning or afternoon, will complete 19 service hours (15 plus 4 in training), while those who do both shifts complete 34 service hours.  The number of openings for Teen Teacher’s Aides is limited by the number of classes offered each term.  Applications will be approved on a case by case basis.  Mandatory preparation training takes place on the Saturday before term, and mandatory wrap-up training takes place on the Saturday following the term.  Thanks to sponsors, a lab fee is no longer needed to cover the costs incurred by TSSP.

You can find The Super Saturday Program listed on InnerView.org and x2VOL.com.  Follow this link for x2VOL’s instructions on how to sign up for the shifts: https://help.x2vol.com/knowledge/how-do-i-sign-up-for-or-cancel-an-opportunity.  Make sure you sign up for the shift before the day of the shift.  Follow this link for x2VOL’s instructions on how to log hours for the shifts you had signed up for: https://help.x2vol.com/knowledge/how-do-i-log-hours-in-x2vol.  If your school uses x2VOL, and you do not see opportunities from The Super Saturday Program, you can ask your school to add us to their “Approved Organizations.”  No sense in you doing the work to enter all those dates and times when we’ve done it for you.  If your school uses another online platform to track service hours, let us know to sign up for it to help you.

In addition to being posted below, dates and times are also posted to a Google Calendar.
Instructions for subscribing to the Google Calendar »


Deadline for Forms:  September 28, 2024

Preparation Training Session:  October 5, 2024, 10:15 am – 12:15 pm, location TBD

Wrap-Up Training Session:  November 23, 2024, 10:15 am – 12:15 pm, location TBD


Deadline for Forms:  December 28, 2024

Preparation Training Session:  January 4, 2025, 10:15 am – 12:15 pm, location TBD

Wrap-Up Training Session:  March 1, 2025, 10:15 am – 12:15 pm, location TBD


Deadline for Forms:  February 22, 2024

Preparation Training Session:  March 1, 2025, 10:15 am – 12:15 pm, location TBD

Wrap-Up Training Session:  April 19, 2025, 10:15 am – 12:15 pm, location TBD

2) Helpers for setup and/or pack-up

The Program also has a need for teens who just want to help for 1 to 2 hours.  Pick up shifts on InnerView.org.

3) Service-Learning Project

This opportunity is for up to two uncommonly driven teens who want to give of their developing talents and skills to help our operations. Selected teens will be paired with a board member. We will be happy to coordinate with your school to ensure the project meets senior project, capstone, or other requirements you wish to apply your project toward. Make your pitch to teenadvocate@supersaturday.org.

Want to know more?  Have general questions?  Contact the Teen Coordinator at teenadvocate@supersaturday.org