Past Speakers and Topics

Here are some of the past speakers and the topics they have presented. Links to their presentation or other information is included where possible. The upcoming schedule is on the Gifted Community Enrichment (GCE) page.
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January 15, 2011
Carl Goodmonson
Grade Acceleration

Carl Goodmonson, Director of Admissions at Covington Latin School, will share the uniqueness of Covington Latin’s accelerated program and discuss acceleration as an educational concept.


January 22, 2011
Betsy Singh

At lunch break, Brown Bag Lunch, Part 2
This is a continuation of the Fall session conversation.
For students grades 4-6.  Betsy Singh will facilitate a discussion on ways to self-advocate at school and other hot topics for gifted kids.

Betsy Singh is the Coordinator for Gifted Programming for Cincinnati Public Schools and Gifted Resource teacher at SCPA.  Betsy has been actively involved with gifted education for 15 years, and has worked with the Ohio Association for Gifted Children’s state conference committee and also served as president of the Southwestern Ohio Coordinators of Gifted.  Additionally, Betsy is a former board member for The Super Saturday Program.


January 29, 2011
Anne Flick, M.Ed.
Credit Flexibility and Gifted Kids, Part 2
This is a continuation of the Fall session conversation.

New this fall, every chartered, public and private school in Ohio must offer credit flexibility, which allows students to earn high school credits instead of, or in combination with seat time.  Perfectly aligned with the best practices of gifted education, credit flex allows students to test out of coursework they already know and to design a customized path for new learning.  This session will cover the specifics of the plan as well as applications for gifted kids.  Learn how gifted elementary and middle-school students can begin to accrue high school credits.  Discover how to achieve part-time homeschooling in districts that forbid it.  Consider how kids can follow their passions, and meet graduation requirements, in areas for which their district offers no courses.  Learn how to advocate for your child to maximize the full potential of this exciting new educational initiative.

Anne Flick is an adjunct professor at Xavier University, teaching graduate courses on how to support gifted learners across grades K-12 to practicing teachers earning the gifted endorsement.  She is also a gifted instructional specialist, teaching enrichment and accelerated math and accelerated reading to middle schoolers for two decades.  She has presented at numerous national, state, and regional education conferences and regularly presents to parent organizations.  She has contributed to the Review, the quarterly journal of the Ohio Association for Gifted Children.  Working at the state and local level, her volunteer efforts have involved advocacy on behalf of gifted children, offering testimony to legislators and state agency administrators as well as consultation to educators at all levels.  She is a lifelong learner herself, as well as mom to her two adult gifted daughters.


February 5, 2011
Tracy Alley, Ph.D.

Dr. Alley, Teacher and Coordinator of Gifted Programs for Madeira City School District, will discuss learning styles.  Parents will have the chance to take an optional survey to check their learning style preference.  Parents will receive a take-home survey for their children to complete if they wish.  Various ideas from different researchers will be presented on ways teachers can best address specific needs in the classroom and ways parents can address the learning styles at home.


March 12, 2011
Erin McNew, MSW, LSW
Sibling Issues

No one can rid your household of problems between siblings – they’re a normal part of family dynamics.  But there are ways for parents to address sibling relationships that can maximize the positive and minimize the negative.  This session will focus on some effective ways to address sibling issues in families with one or more child who is gifted.

Erin McNew is from the Family Life Education Jewish Family Service.


March 26, 2011
Dr. Dudley

Dr. Dudley will discuss some of the special concerns for twice exceptionalities and special sensitivities with gifted children.


April 2, 2011
Nicole Dietrich
Mindset for Gifted Girls: Parenting for Growth and Resiliency

Nicole Dietrich is a Gifted and Talented Consultant with the Hamilton County Educational Service Center.  She provides professional development for K-12 teachers and administrators in the areas of differentiation, gifted programming, academic service learning, brain research, mindsets, 21st century skills and competencies, leadership, curriculum, and gifted issues.  She is particularly interested in gifted girls, twice exceptional, ESL, economically disadvantaged, and other under-represented populations of gifted students.  She works directly with gifted teachers and provides materials for their classrooms.


November 5, 2011
Carrie Bock-Hay
Odyssey Learning Games

Need holiday gift ideas for the kids and teachers in your life?  Odyssey Learning Games is a source for parents and classrooms alike to find the best in educational games – strategy, math, verbal, memory, and puzzles.  You will get to learn and play the games before you buy!  Some great new games to look forward to previewing are Swish, Kabaleo and City Square to name a few.


November 12, 2011
Chris Garten and Janet Hill
What the Independent School Can Offer the Gifted Child

Chris Garten is the head of school for The Seven Hill School.  Janet Hill is the Director of Admissions and Financial Aid.


November 19, 2011
Celebrating the Magnificence of Your Daily Parenting Role

Are you ready to step into a lighter version of parenting that leaves you feeling more balanced from inside out, creatively engaged in every aspect of your life and at ease with the world at large?  Then join us in a trusting space that allows everyone to embrace their inner freedom, intuition and amazing potential awaiting to be expressed in their parenting world.  Through the use of open conversations, a visual wellness model, and personal stories, you will enjoy some practical tools for conscious parenting and self-coaching skills for mastering your process.  It is time to celebrate the magnificence of your daily parenting roles and create new visions for being a parent of gifted children today.


December 3, 2011
Anne Flick, M.Ed.
The Constellation of Opportunities for College Coursework Before Age 18
and Highlights from the NAGC 2011
There are many options available to gifted youths and teens who are eager for rigor beyond high school courses.  For those ready early for full-time college, there are special early college programs as well as independent routes to college matriculation.  A high school diploma is not required, and financial aid is available.  This session will cover the nuts and bolts of all those options.  Additionally, Ohio’s PSEO program allows students to take free college courses for up to four years, but action is required by March of the 8th grade year.  Come to this session to learn how to navigate the PSEO system as well as how to take advantage of the many options for low-cost college courses while still in middle or high school.  Also discover the caveats to ensure scholarship opportunities remain intact for full-time college.  Finally, we’ll cover college credit by exam through such programs as AP, IB, and CLEP, as well as the pros and cons to consider.

At the second session: Every November the National Association for Gifted Children holds its annual convention, where 3,000 parents, educators, and other advocates for gifted students learn from experts about effective practices that are working for gifted kids across the country and around the world.  Come hear the highlights from a teacher/consultant who both attended and presented at the event, held this year in New Orleans.  You will get to view the new 10-minute documentary film that was introduced at the convention.  You’ll also learn of assorted tips and resources presented, from great web sites for creative kids to counseling techniques all adults can use to support gifted kids.  Participants at this session will get copies of some of the same handouts and links provided to convention attendees.  Finally, we’ll examine the controversial statement released at the convention by the NAGC president and discuss the implications of her bold proposal.

Anne Flick Bio ↑


February 4, 2012
Mike Irwin
Raising Gifted Children and
Math Education for Gifted Children

Mike Irwin, Super Saturday Math-a-Nation teacher, author of books on mathematics and computers; parent of three gifted children will share his personal experiences of raising gifted children and negotiating the often difficult path of gifted children in schools.  He will also discuss the state of gifted education, laws, and budgetary constraints.

In the second session, Irwin will discuss math education and provide practical tips for math and the gifted child.  Learn about “the math we don’t teach” and new ways to explore math.


February 11, 2012
Erin McNew, MSW, LSW

Temperament is made up of a unique combination of genetic traits that organizes our approach to the world.  A child’s temperament influences how she behaves toward, and is affected by, the world around her.  Parenting methods that are effective with one child may not work well with another – even within the same family.  Understanding temperament can help parents identify their child’s unique strengths and challenges and the most effective ways to help them thrive.

Erin McNew is with Family Life Education Jewish Family Service.


March 10, 2012
Eric Dustman

Dustman is the head of school at The New School Montessori.  He will share the passionate philosophy of the school and supporting the social, emotional and academic needs of students.


March 24, 2012
Patti Guethlien

Patti Guethlien is Head of Seven Hills Doherty School.  Doherty, one of two lower school divisions of The Seven Hills School, serves children Pre-K through 5.  Patti Guethlein will share the Seven Hills philosophy on Pre-K through grade 5 education and the importance of building a strong foundation for gifted students.


March 24, 2012
Sandra Kelly-Schilling, J.D.
Dr. Schilling will discuss ideas that parents can do on their own to enrich their child’s education.

Sandra Kelly-Schilling is a gifted mom, grandmother, founder, and Head of School of The Schilling School for Gifted Children.  When her son’s educational needs were not being met, her search for a better way led her eventually to take the extraordinary step of starting a new school in 1997.  Students from across the Cincinnati and Dayton area, across the country, and even from across the globe have attended the school alongside her sons, and now her granddaughters.  She shares what she learns beyond the walls of her school through her relationships with others working with gifted children and at speaking engagements.  The forums she has been invited to speak at include the European Council for High Ability (ECHA) in Germany, Parents for Academic Challenge and Enrichment (PACE) in Columbus, both the Cincinnati Chapter and the Great Lakes & Ohio Valley Region of Mensa, and The Super Saturday Program.  As is typical of gifted individuals, Schilling is not satisfied with just this one pursuit but has simultaneously kept up her legal career.

April 14, 2012
Cathy Reed

Cathy will discuss the difference between the brain functions of gifted students and regular Ed. students. She will also share her experience as an advocate for gifted education.

Cathy is a Gifted Coordinator at Hamilton County Educational Service Center.


November 10, 2012
Roni Craft
School Choice Ohio

School Choice Ohio is a nonprofit organization that provides outreach to Ohio’s parents and children, as well as to their legislative and community leaders, and encourages them to engage in the discussion about school choice, as well as dialogue about school improvement initiatives.  They seek to build on the school choice momentum in the state by focusing on four guiding themes: opportunity, education, outreach, and advocacy.


December 1, 2012
Edward R. Amend, Psy.D.
Myths and Realities of Gifted Children
This session will include an overview of the social and emotional development of gifted children with an emphasis on what has been learned from research.  There are many myths that do not reflect the true realities of gifted children, and this presentation will focus on the characteristics of gifted children and the special needs associated with growing up gifted.  Gifted children generally develop in an asynchronous or uneven pattern, with, for example, intellectual development typically outpacing emotional growth.  This asynchrony and other characteristics, such as overexcitabilities and perfectionism, can lead to difficulties in a gifted individual’s adjustment.  Dr. Amend will review common myths about gifted children and provide practical advice for parenting a gifted child, including discussion communication, discipline, motivation, perfectionism, and stress.

Dr. Amend is a longstanding and generous supporter of The Super Saturday Program and a clinical psychologist at The Amend Group, a comprehensive center for psychological, educational, and gifted services (including ability testing).  His practice focuses on the social, emotional, and educational needs of gifted and talented youth, adults, and their families.  He is co-author of two award-winning books: A Parent’s Guide to Gifted Children and Misdiagnosis and Dual Diagnoses of Gifted Children and Adults: ADHD, Bipolar, OCD, Asperger’s, Depression, and Other Disorders.  Dr. Amend has authored or co-authored a number of articles, book chapters, and columns about gifted children.  As a strong advocate for the gifted population, Dr. Amend’s years of service have included the Board of Directors of Supporting Emotional Needs of Gifted (SENG); President of the Kentucky Association for Gifted Education (KAGE) and Chair for the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) Counseling and Guidance Network.  He presents locally and nationally on topics related to the needs of gifted children.


January 12, 2013
Nicole Dietrich
Motivation & Mindset

Every so often a truly ground breaking idea comes along. “Mindset” is one of them!  Has your child been identified as needing special education or gifted services? Is s/he afraid of failure, hesitant to take risks, and/or difficult to motivate?

Find out:

  • Why brains and talent don’t bring success and how they can stand in the way of it.
  • Why praising brains and talent doesn’t foster self-esteem and accomplishment, but jeopardizes them.
  • How teaching a simple idea about the brain increases academic growth and productivity.
  • What all great CEOs, parents, teachers, athletes know.

Nicole Dietrich Bio ↑

January 12, 2013
Anne Flick, M.Ed.
Above Grade Level Testing
February 2, 2013
Lorraine Charbonneau

Lorraine Charbonneau, Learning Coach and Facilitator of The Davis Method will share her experience raising a dyslexic daughter and discuss the giftedness of the visual-spatial and kinesthetic learner.  Parents will come away with a greater understanding of this learning profile and the next steps to address specific needs of the child.  The Davis Method has been successfully used not only with students having this learning profile but with students diagnosed with Dyslexia, ADD/ADHD, Auditory Processing Disorders, Specific Learning Disabilities and Receptive Language Delays.


March 16, 2013
Cathy Reed

Cathy will discuss the new Common Core Standards. She will share resources from the National Association for Gifted Children regarding differentiation for gifted students for math and language arts within the standards.  She will also share her experience as an advocate for gifted education.

Cathy is a Gifted Coordinator at Hamilton County ESC.


March 23, 2013
Anne Flick, M.Ed.
EXPLORE Result Distribution and Interpretation
Topics will include:
Understanding what the various data points indicate.
What educational opportunities are appropriate for students scoring at various levels.
Which national programs are available for students scoring at various levels.
How to use scores in educational advocacy with schools and in educational planning for homeschool students.
Answers to parent questions.

Anne Flick Bio ↑


April 6, 2013
John Overbeck

John will share his experiences working with gifted students, homeschoolers and reluctant writers as well as a discussion of his writing-mentoring program – with new materials, insights and discussion points.

John Overbeck is a gifted teacher, journalist, and freelance writer.  John is a writing mentor with students ranging from excellent writers who want to take their skills to the next level, to students who, for a variety of reasons, have found writing to be an extremely difficult, and sometimes painful, challenge.  His students have won both local and statewide awards.  He was given the privilege of assisting a Muslim survivor of the Bosnian War with the writing and editing of her memoir, Nana’s Shoes, which she has self-published.

Beginning in 1999, John spent seven years teaching at The Schilling School for Gifted Children.  He founded the John Scott Academy, a school for gifted junior high and high school students.  The school evolved into the work he does now – mentoring writing and sometimes literature and history.  John has previously taught at The Super Saturday Program and has spoken to Super Saturday parents in the past.


November 2, 2013
Julie Shore
Toolkit of Strategies

Julie Shore, SENG Model Parent Group Facilitator, mother to gifted children and gifted educator, will speak about strategies to help you help your gifted child and work with your school.


November 9, 2013
Carl Goodmonson

Carl will introduce topics related to choosing the right school and curriculum for your gifted child. Come with your questions about rigorous coursework, acceleration, specialization and scheduling.


November 16, 2013
Jessica Donovan

Jessica is the Assistant Director of Scholar Recruitment at the University of Cincinnati Admissions Office.  She will offer a unique inside perspective on the school and curriculum challenges that parents face, as well as the perspective of what colleges and universities want from top students.


February 15, 2014
Angela Grimm

Angela Grimm will provide information on the parent organization within the Ohio Association for Gifted Children as well as tips for setting up a parent support group within your local school.


March 22, 2014
Cathy Reed

Cathy Reed is a Gifted Coordinator at Hamilton County Educational Service Center focused on executive functioning and gifted brain research.


March 29, 2014
John Overbeck

If our children are to grow up happy, successful, contributing citizens, we must “walk with them” as they grow, which means that both we and our children will often be out of step with the rest of the world.  Preschool, kindergarten, grade and junior high school, high school, college, and graduate or professional school in lock-step order may not be the walk our children need to take.  So what to do? We will “walk together for a while,” exploring the ramifications of that question with stories, questions and discussion.

John Overbeck Bio ↑


November 15, 2014
Sherry McHenry

Sherry McHenry, mindfulness and stress management instructor, will discuss strategies for dealing with stress and anxiety. Experientials.  Sherry is teaching Inner Space this term.


January 24, 2015
Anne Flick, M.Ed.
AM Session: PSEO Graduates to College Credit Plus: Ohio’s Remodeled Plan
PM Session: From Proficiency to College Scholarships: Guiding Gifted Students through the Testing Maze
AM Session: Even as limited as Ohio’s gifted funding is, its College Credit Plus program is a windfall for families. Over the summer of 2014, the state legislature overhauled the Post-Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) program as well as various dual-enrollment programs in high schools to create the new College Credit Plus program.  Much is the same as PSEO, but there are some big changes too.  Learn how all Ohio students in public, charter, or private schools as well as homeschooled have access to free college courses in grades 7 through 12.  Come learn, too, about the deadlines families must meet, beginning March of the student’s 6th grade year.  Discuss how to determine when your child is ready for college coursework, and discover the long-term benefits gifted young adults now enjoy after participating in the predecessor program.

PM Session: No matter how we feel about them, tests are a reality in students’ lives.  As students progress to high-school-level coursework (like Algebra I), new tests are required in Ohio.  Graduation from both public and private high schools requires more tests, but there is an alternative path that can be attractive to gifted students.  Meanwhile, the testing series of the SAT and ACT, so prominent in college admissions, are undergoing changes.  Still, though, one particular test holds the opportunity for huge scholarships for students nationwide, but students have to follow the process and know how to maximize that opportunity.  Hear the latest news on the new Ohio state tests starting in 3rd grade, the testing requirements and alternatives for Ohio graduation, above-grade-level testing options for gifted students, and, finally, the format of the college admissions tests and all that hangs on them.

Anne Flick Bio ↑


January 31, 2015
Joan Dostal
Understanding Sensory Differences


February 14, 2015
John Overbeck

Let young learners write, and help them write, but don’t tell them what they must write. This will go a long way toward preparing them – whether they become poets or physicists – to be successful, happy and productive participants in the emerging STEM world they will live in.

John Overbeck Bio ↑


March 21, 2015
Aaron J. Vaughn, Ph.D.
Executive Functioning – What is everybody talking about?

Dr. Vaughn unfolds issues with Executive Function in children and adolescents, its impact on learning, and approaches to intervention.  In particular, we examine how problems with executive functioning may affect motivation (initiating daily tasks/homework), learning and memorization, problem-solving, completing academic tasks independently, and planning ahead.  Dr. Vaughn provides an overview of interventions to promote and develop improved academic functioning in each of these areas.
Dr. Vaughn is a Clinical Psychologist and Senior Director of Behavioral Health Programming at Cincinnati Children’s.


March 28, 2015
Ellen Mavriplis
IEP and Section 504 Plans for 2e Students


November 7, 2015
Timothy L. Heaton, Ph.D.
Gifted Learners

Dr. Heaton retired in 2019 from his role as Professor Emeritus of Education, at Cedarville University where he taught for 25 years. He received degrees from Wittenberg University, Grace Theological Seminary, and the University of Dayton.  He taught Introduction to Urban Teaching and the Multicultural/Inclusive Field Experience for all majors, Social Studies Methods for Middle Childhood, Responsive Schools for Middle Childhood, and the Honors class on Creativity.  He has also served on numerous committees at the college and with the community.  He was Chair of the Advisory Board of the Urban Institute at Central State University.  His areas of specialty include Gifted Education, Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligence, Classroom Discipline and Management, Cooperative Learning, Creative Teaching Methods, and Urban Education.  Dr. Heaton also taught courses in graduate education at the University of Dayton, Columbia International University, Kyotonabe University, and Baptist Bible College and Seminary.  He is a frequent ACSI conference speaker both nationally and internationally.  He has also presented papers and done workshops at National and International Professional conferences.


November 14, 2015
Suzanne M. James, Psy.D.
2e Students: Dyslexia, ADHD, and Autism Spectrum Disorder

Twice-exceptional students can struggle with a variety of obstacles. Today’s session will focus on the characteristics of dyslexia, ADHD, and Autism Spectrum Disorder (including Asperger’s Disorder and PDD-NOS) in gifted school-age children.

Dr. Suzanne James is a Licensed Psychologist providing clinical services in the Greater Cincinnati area.  She received her Masters of Education in Counseling Psychology in 2000 from University of Louisville and Doctorate in Psychology from Spalding University in 2004. She has been in private practice since 2000.  She is a member of the American Psychological Association, the Kentucky Psychological Association, and the Ohio Psychological Association and is licensed to practice in Ohio and Kentucky.  She continues to train and research new ways to help her clients to reach their potential.

Dr. James specializes in working with children, adolescents and families.  Her primary clinical interests include understanding the unique potential in gifted and twice-exceptional children and adults, individuals with learning disorders and individuals with depression and anxiety.  Dr. James provides a variety of services including individual and family therapy, neuropsychological, psychological, and educational testing, parent coaching, and school consultation.  She also speaks locally and nationally on a number of topics.


January 23, 2016
Dr. Beth Moore
Yoga for Relaxation

Dr. Moore will demonstrate how we can use yoga, breathing, and mindfulness techniques to help us and our children relax.  She has taught all grade levels and now teaches university students who are seeking their certification in gifted education.


March 19, 2016
Edward R. Amend, Psy.D.
Outsmart Your Smart Child: Practical Strategies for Parenting Gifted Children
Managing Intensity, Perfectionism, and Stress
March 19, 2016
Anne Flick, M.Ed. and Raymond Hebert, Ph.D.
2016 Changes and Updates to College Credit Plus
Qualified Ohio students in grades 7-12 can take college courses for free, paid for by the state.  The revamped program, now halfway through its first year, has just undergone additional changes, adding summer courses but also drastically moving up deadlines. The changes have a huge impact on private-school and homeschooled students but affect public-school students, too.  Anne Flick provides a quick review of the essentials of the program and a thorough explanation of everything families now need to consider to maximize this opportunity under the new rules.  She will be joined by Dr. Ray Hebert, who will discuss Thomas More College’s opportunities under CCP in addition to its economical alternatives for private-school and homeschooled students who are not awarded adequate funding.

Anne Flick Bio ↑

Dr. Hebert has been with Thomas More College since 1977.  In addition to teaching history, he currently served as director of the college’s extensive dual enrollment program.  He also is Dean Emeritus, having served as Dean of the College and Vice President for Academic Affairs for 14 years.  He also was Director of the Honors Program for 11 years.


March 19, 2016
Ann Anzalone
Setting Gifted Students up for Success
The key to learning is to empower students to know how to learn for themselves.  Teach your gifted students how to learn.  Build their academic foundation so that they are able to know, remember and apply their learning.  Learn how to develop the root skills of learning that form the basis for all academic success.  Discover how to increase focus, attention span and brain speed to enhance learning.

Ann Anzalone is a nationally known dynamic speaker and experienced trainer.  For the past 30 years she has conducted workshops for K-12 teachers, administrators, and parents, as well as for businesses and corporations.  She teaches graduate classes at Wright State University and has taught at Antioch Midwest University.  She serves as a consultant for adult students, parents, and their children regarding learning styles, educational plans, and academic performance.

Ms. Anzalone taught special needs middle and junior high school students, was honored as an Outstanding Elementary Teacher of America, and listed in the Who’s Who in American Education.  Ann specializes in communication skills, community building, learning styles, cooperative learning, study skills, and stress management.  She models what she teaches in her sessions.


April 9, 2016
Christina Mayhaus

Christina is an independently Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LPCC) and a Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC). She received her Bachelors of Arts in Psychology from the University of Cincinnati and her Master of Arts in Counseling from Xavier University.  She grew up in Cincinnati and has been working with children, teens, young adults, adults and families in the mental health field for several years.


October 29, 2016
John Overbeck
“Listen deeply and touch gently. Remember, your work is not to act, but to react. There are no mistakes… only dialogue and positive feedback.”

John Overbeck Bio ↑


November 12, 2016
Amy Darpel
Accelerated Learning & Gifted Education

Amy Darpel is the Director of Advancement and Dean of Studies at Covington Latin School.  She graduated from Villa Madonna Academy and then pursued degrees at Thomas More College.  Prior to working in administration, Amy was a teacher focused on giftedness and twice-exceptional education; an educational consultant working with families and their children on educational issues such as executive functioning skills, special education modification plans, giftedness and basic skills instruction; and a home schooler.  Amy has had various roles at Covington Latin School including admissions, marketing, Executive Director of ExploreMore!, and has run the Academic Success Program.  Amy has presented at the Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG) Conference and National Association for Gifted Children.  She has spent her entire teaching career advocating for gifted students and working with students who struggle with Executive Functioning Disorder.  Her children, Jake and Samantha, were alums of The Super Saturday Program.


October 21, 2017
Amy Darpel
Accelerated Learning & Gifted Education


Amy Darpel Bio ↑

October 18, 2017
Betsy Singh
Make Your Worrier A Warrior

Betsy Singh Bio ↑


November 4, 2017
Suzanne M. James, Psy.D.
Motivating Your Gifted Child


Dr. Suzanne James Bio ↑


November 18, 2017
Stephanie and Grant Bruner
Mensa Gifted Youth Opportunities

Stephanie Bruner is a mother of three children who include a Super Saturday alumnus and fellow Mensans—Grant, Pierce, and Alexandra.  She has been active in her local school system’s parent support group for gifted, Sycamore GEAR, where she was the coordinator for the gifted youth reading and adventure clubs.  Stephanie co-taught the Super Saturday class, “Zoology 101,” with her very supportive husband, Joe, for a number of years, and she is a member of Ohio Association for Gifted Children (OAGC) as well as the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC).  In 2014, Stephanie was honored by OAGC as Parent of the Year and spoke at the NAGC Annual Conference.  In her spare time, Stephanie co-owns Greater Cincinnati Veterinary Specialists and Emergency Services with Joe, where Stephanie is the Staff Veterinary Dermatologist.

Grant is a junior at Sycamore High School, a Mensa member, and former student of TSSP.  He holds many leadership postions and believes “Master of Fun” is the best job title in the world.


January 20, 2018
Jamie Overbey
Decisions, Challenges & Opportunities for Gifted Students
Jamie Overbey is an executive advisor with Vistage Worldwide, former TSSP volunteer, father of TSSP alumni, and long-time supporter of The Program.


February 10, 2018
Anne Flick, M.Ed.
College Credit Plus
October 27, 2018
John Overbeck
“Write It Just as Your Mind Spins It Out: The Death and Rebirth of the Five-Paragraph Essay”

John Overbeck Bio ↑


November 3, 2018
Stephanie Bruner
Cincinnati Mensa Gifted Youth Opportunities

Stephanie Bruner from Cincinnati Mensa will share information on what the Cincinnati Mensa program has to offer your gifted students and how to take part.

Stephanie Bruner Bio ↑


November 10, 2018
Jamie Overbey
Peer Advisory Model (Issue Resolution)
Jamie Overbey is an executive advisor with Vistage Worldwide, former TSSP volunteer, father of TSSP alumni, and long-time supporter of The Program.


March 30, 2019
Renee Croenemann and Laurie Jahnke, D.C.
Mindfulness, Nutrition, Movement and Interception

Renee Croenemann is from Spirit(ed) Growth LLC


November 16, 2019
Corey Hatfield
Parenting Today’s Students with Strengths & Mindfulness

Corey Hatfield is a specialist with The Character Effect™. Corey will present on gaining a better understanding of mindfulness and character strengths and the benefits; understanding how to leverage these strategies during parenting challenges; and learning practical ways to begin utilizing these practices.


January 25, 2020
Anne Flick, M.Ed.
AM Session: Spatial Intelligence
PM Session: College Credit Plus
In the morning session, Ann will talk about the value of spatial intelligence and how to nurture it with toddlers to teens.  In the afternoon session she will talk about how to participate in College Credit Plus (CCP) and how to know it’s right for you.

Anne Flick Bio ↑


February 1, 2020
Suzanne M. James, Psy.D.
Executive Function Difficulties in the Gifted Population

Dr. Suzanne James Bio ↑


April 3, 2021
Maggie Gunnerson
Equity & Inclusion: Challenges of Gifted Education in the US
Join us as Maggie shares her experiences, research, and resources in understanding gifted education in public schools and the challenges for equity inclusive to race, gender, economic background, and neurodiversity.  We welcome hearing about your experiences and journey as well.

Maggie Gunnerson is passionate about children understanding and embracing themselves — particularly gifted individuals.  Her gifted advocacy journey started at The Super Saturday Program which helped her better understand both her children and herself.  Since then, she has successfully advocated for her own children as well as many others.  Maggie is a current State of Ohio Gifted Advisory Council parent representative, Ohio Association of Gifted Children parent member and contributor, former General Chair of Sycamore GEAR (Gifted Education Advocacy, and Resources), and former board member and current avid supporter of The Super Saturday Program.  She and her husband Kory are the proud parents of Gaven, class of 2028, and Elaina, class of 2034.


April 10, 2021
Edward R. Amend, Psy.D.
February 5, 2022
Becca Patrick and Jenna Ruberg
Social Skills, Making Friends, and Big Emotions
Does your child struggle with social skills and making friends?  Does your child have big emotions s/he has difficulty regulating?

Two Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center experts talk about The Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS) and Emotional Regulation Intensive Outpatient Program.  The PEERS® is a social skills training intervention developed at UCLA by Elizabeth Laugeson, author of The Science of Making Friends, to support individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or other social disorders who have difficulty with peer interactions and relationships.  The program imparts skills related to making and keeping friends, and counsels on handling conflict, rejection and bullying. Regulating Together Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) is based the philosophy that helping a child or teen requires a family-based approach.


February 19, 2022
Steve Schneider
Supercharge Your Kids: Essential Knowledge for the Future of Work

We want our kids to have a good job and equate that to a good life, but are we really preparing our kids for the future?  This talk explores how the world is changing and what that means for our kids’ future, including how tech has changed the work world, new areas young people are using to make money, what kids need to learn that they aren’t being taught, and how kids can prepare for the future by starting NOW.


February 26, 2022
Jamie Overbey
Jamie Overbey is an executive advisor with Vistage Worldwide, former TSSP volunteer, father of TSSP alumni, and long-time supporter of The Program.


October 22, 2022
Po-Shen Loh, Ph.D. and Eddie Kong
Math, Invention & Life

Eddie Kong

Want to learn how to invent both inside and outside of math?  Professor Po-Shen Loh will weave together a variety of topics, starting from some math questions which demonstrate the power of mathematical creativity.  The talk will rapidly expand to stories from his own experiences applying mathematical thinking to implement new solutions to real world problems. Professor Loh gives valuable insight into the limitations of public curriculum and acceleration versus the benefits of mathematics competitions and deep learning.

Po-Shen Loh is a math professor at Carnegie Mellon University, and the national coach of the USA International Math Olympiad team.  His innovations have made headlines in national newspapers, across a breadth of topics from pandemic control to education and talent development.  His academic distinctions range from an International Math Olympiad silver medal, to the USA Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers. He shares his experience with the public through YouTube videos, which have totaled over 15 million views. Through his online math school, Daily Challenge with Po-Shen Loh, he offers online, live, innovatively interactive, beyond-curricular lessons in Algebra, Geometry, Combinatorics, Number Theory, and Probability.

Eddie Kong is currently an intern for Po-Shen Loh’s live online math classes.  He was the inaugural teaching assistant and has inspired the current look of the program.  While in middle school, Eddie was the Ohio State MATHCOUNTS Champion, and has been coaching the middle school MATHCOUNTS team for two years.  In his free time, Eddie enjoys biking, watching esports, and learning languages.


October 29, 2022
Maggie Gunnerson
Getting YOU Involved in Mensa Gifted YOUth
Maggie Gunnerson will provide a brief overview of the national and local American Mensa programs and the opportunities they present for highly gifted youth in the Greater Cincinnati area.  We will discuss admissions criteria, activities, and networking opportunities for both gifted children and their parents/guardians.  We will also discuss a few “insider tips” we have learned through connections with other families involved in this program.

Maggie Gunnerson Bio ↑

October 29th GCE Presentation Slides


November 5, 2022
Maria Lohr, Michael Demczyk, and Jeffrey Shoemaker
Understanding the Gifted Operating Standards
Maria Lohr, Michael Demczyk, and Jeffrey Shoemaker of the Ohio DoE Office for Exceptional Children will present an overview of the current laws and rules, their purpose, and how parents and guardians can keep themselves informed to ensure their students are being appropriately educated.  Presenters will also talk about the rule revision process occurring every five years, where they are in the current timeline for this process, and how we as parents, guardians, teachers, administrators, employers and other community members can participate in public comment when that opportunity is available.  Finally, presenters will describe the work that the Gifted Advisory Council is doing regarding the development of the state plan for gifted education and how the plan ties into the rules.

From the ODE’s website: The Office for Exceptional Children provides leadership, assistance and oversight to school districts and other entities that provide differentiated instruction for students with disabilities and gifted students.

Among its responsibilities, the office administers state and federal funds; coordinates and administers programs to improve outcomes for students with disabilities and gifted students; implements a statewide monitoring and complaint-resolution system designed to assess district/educational agency compliance with applicable federal and state laws and regulations; and provides technical assistance to districts and educational agencies around issues of compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA).

Link to sign up for DoE news for gifted education 


November 12, 2022
Erica S. Baer
Guiding the Gifted: Nurturing and Challenging
Erica S. Baer will talk about the fundamentals of gifted students from her extensive knowledge base.  Erica is the Director of Student Achievement and Gifted Learning at the Midwest Regional Educational Service Center, an organization serving the Ohio counties of Hardin, Shelby and Logan.  At the Midwest Regional ESC she works alongside districts, teachers, and families to explore and experience the joys and challenges inherent in gifted education.

Erica is also a member of the governing board of the Ohio Association for Gifted Children (OAGC) as 2nd Vice President.  OAGC is a gifted education advocacy group.  She previously served as the Coordinator Division’s Region 4 Representative.  In that role during COVID, Erica worked alongside gifted colleagues to collaboratively navigate the challenges and changes sparked by the pandemic.  Erica received OAGC’s 2022 Coordinator of the Year award.

Prior to formally working in gifted education, Erica taught freshman, honors, College Credit Plus, and AP literature and writing.  She holds a B.A. in English and M.Ed in elementary education from OSU and attended gifted education classes at Wright State.

Overexcitabilities handout


January 21, 2023
Vasanth Kothnur
FIRST Robotics and GE Aerospace
In July of last year, General Electric announced it would be divesting its operations in the health care and energy sectors, focusing its core business on aerospace.  Mr. Kothnur is from this exceptional local enterprise we’ve known as GE Aviation.  He will talk about FIRST Robotics programs for various age groups and GE Aerospace including new product introductions.


January 28, 2023
Maggie Gunnerson
Smart But Scattered, A Crash Course
Many Super Saturday Program students are fantastically smart and equally scattered.  From assignments they don’t know they need to do, to assignments they did but never turned in and much more, it can be difficult as a parent to adapt to this divergence of abilities.  The book, Smart but Scattered by Peg Dawson and Richard Guare has some concrete advice for how to assess yourself and your child and how to go through the process of change while using your child’s unique strengths to overcome some of their weaknesses.  This session is intended to get you started with the Smart but Scattered method.  While it is one of our most recommended books, it is not needed prior to the session.

Maggie Gunnerson Bio ↑


February 4, 2023
Edward R. Amend, Psy.D.
Twice-Exceptional Students: Issues and Interventions
Dr. Edward Amend will discuss how twice-exceptional (2e) students show exceptional ability and disability, which results in asynchronous development to a greater degree than seen in the typical gifted person.  Students with ADHD, learning disabilities, or autism as examples, present challenges for their parents and teachers because they require services to both foster strengths and support weaknesses.  The characteristics and special needs of these twice-exceptional youth will be explored and intervention strategies reviewed.

Dr. Amend Bio ↑


February 18, 2023
Cincinnati Area Schools for Gifted Children
and Networking

Presenters from local schools and Program leads will showcase some of the alternatives available.

AM Session
Krista Fehring-Gustavsson, an Intervention Specialist from Cincinnati Public’s Spencer Center for Gifted and Exceptional Students

PM Session
Christin Reynolds, the Director of Admissions and Communications at Covington Latin School
Dr. Sandra Kelly-Schilling, the Head of School at The Schilling School for Gifted Children

Dr. Schilling Bio ↑

March 11, 2023
Jamie Overbey
Let’s Talk About It
Jamie Overbey will lead the GCE attendees through a problem-solving exercise called “Let’s Talk About It.”  Please come with ideas about challenges you face with your gifted child, school, or other issues for which you would be interested in some creative problem-solving help.

Jamie Overbey is an executive advisor with Vistage Worldwide, former TSSP volunteer, father of TSSP alumni, and long-time supporter of The Program.


March 18, 2023
Vikki Burns Finan
Beloved Books Discussion
Vikki is from Paper Pie.
Share that book or series your kid could not get enough of.


March 25, 2023
Carlos C. Co, Ph.D.
STEM Unleashed
Dr. Co will share his experiences raising a gifted son, finding ways to challenge and engage him, and how this evolved into STEM Unleashed, his passion project for gifted youth​.  This will be the first summer for the program geared to very bright high school students.  Even if the program is not the right level for your child, Dr. Co can still offer you insight into challenging gifted children.  Dr. Co is an associate professor with the University of Cincinnati in the Chemical and Materials Engineering department with three patents and an impressive body of research work.

STEM Unleashed 2023 flyer


April 1, 2023
Shelagh A. Gallagher, Ph.D.
Speaking about: Gifted Student Personalit(ies)
Dr. Gallagher, an internationally recognized, award-winning expert in gifted education and problem-based learning and aunt of a Super Saturday student, will discuss gifted characteristics and overexcitabilities with those in attendance.

Dr. Gallagher’s career in gifted education spans over 30 years, with positions including Postdoctoral Fellow at The Duke University Talent Identification Program (Duke TIP), Director of Research and Assessment at the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (one of the nation’s premiere high schools for gifted students), Associate Director for Grants and Contracts for William & Mary Center School of Education Center for Gifted Education (CFGE), team member founding two gifted schools, and US Dept. of Ed. Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Program grant director and Associate Professor conducting research and teaching graduate courses in gifted education for thirteen years at UNC Charlotte.  Today she continues to conduct research, provides professional development, recruits gifted teachers for academic programs in China with the Diligence and Delight Learning Center (DDC), and contributes to state and national policy initiatives.  She mentors in a 4th-grade reading program and spends summers serving as a Senior Fellow at The Institute for Educational Advancement (IEA) Camp Yunasa, a summer program for highly gifted youth.

Dr. Gallagher has conducted research, presented, and published articles on such topics as the personality attributes associated with giftedness, gender differences in mathematics performance, questioning for higher-order thinking, the developmental needs of gifted adolescents, appropriate instruction for gifted students, twice-exceptional students, and effective curriculum models for gifted learners—especially problem-based learning.

Dr. Gallagher has published curriculum for gifted students in grades K-12.  While at the CFGE, she was the first manager of the project that produced the respected William and Mary Problem-Based Learning (PBL) science units.  She then went on to direct two other curriculum grants: Project P-BLISS (Problem-Based Learning in the Social Sciences) and Project Insights, each of which produced PBL curricula.​  For these PBL units, Dr. Gallagher has received the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) Curriculum Division award multiple times.

The National Society for the Gifted and Talented (NSGT) recognized Dr. Gallagher as its Person of Significance for 2016, describing her as a “transformational leader in curriculum design for gifted and talented students.”​ She is the recipient of both the Distinguished Service Award and the James J. Gallagher Award for Advocacy from the North Carolina Association for Gifted and Talented for “her outstanding contributions to the education of the gifted and talented; for her lifetime advocacy for gifted learners at the district and national levels, as a scholar, teacher, author, professor, consultant, and parent; and for her service as a former Board member of NCAGT and NAGC.”  She also received the Provost’s Award for Teaching Excellence from UNC Charlotte and the Article of the Year Award from NAGC.​

Her roles in NAGC have included: Convention Program Committee, Convention Task Force (co-chair), two Local Arrangement Committees (subcommittee chair), Development Committee (chair), Javits-Frasier Scholars Program, two Secondary Task Forces (chair once), Assessment Task Force, editor of Quest (Research and Evaluation newsletter), and the president-elect with her term beginning in 2023.


April 8, 2023
Hari Koduru​
CAD, Machine Learning, and Rocketry
Hari Koduru is a program director with Dassault Systems.  Mr. Koduru works with business transformation through digital innovation, from design to manufacturing in the virtual world.  He has worked with many Fortune 50 companies over two decades, building and leading digital transformation.  He has coached FIRST LEGO League (FLL), FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC), and The American Rocketry Challenge (TARC) teams, including a first place team.

The world around us is changing.  Humans are creating more sophisticated machines that range from nano to micro to mega levels.  These changes are enabling humans to create more efficiently.

In this session, Mr. Koduru will talk broadly about technologies of creation, especially computer aided design (CAD), virtual twins, simulations, manufacturing with Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in relation to CAD and Creation.  He will discuss why design matters more in this day and age and how CAD / AI / MOL are important aspects of the design.

Mr. Koduru will also talk about the rocket league, rocket design, and will have sample rockets to see.  He will discuss why and how it helps a child’s learning in that area.


April 15, 2023
Susannah Richards, Ph.D.
Current Happenings in Children’s and Youth Literature​
Dr. Richards is a professor of education with a specialty in literacy, books for youth, and English Language Arts curriculum at Eastern Connecticut State University.  She loves books, and may often be found with a pile of books to share.  She served on the 2013 Newbery Award committee, the 2017 Geisel Award, and many other book award committees and is currently serving on the committee to choose the Malka Penn Award for Human Rights in Children’s Literature books.  She has presented in person and virtually at hundreds of international, national, state, local, and district conferences including the International Literacy Association, National Association for Gifted Children, National Science Teachers Association, and American Library Association.  She tweets about education, books, and literacy @SussingOutBooks on Twitter and shares books, cooking, sewing, gardening and other items of interest @SussingOutBooks on Instagram.  Her blog is


October 14, 2023
AM: Gina Baldwin
Personal Experience with Grade Skipping and Resulting Challenges of Early College
PM: Jimmy Lehn
Personal Experience with Homeschooling and Resources for Providing STEM Ed

Gina Baldwin has a Bachelor’s of Science in mechanical engineering and worked for 15 years at Procter & Gamble before deciding to stay home with her three boys. Her gifted boys keep her on her toes and reaching for new ideas. As a part of The Super Saturday Program for 11 years, she found support and encouragement on this unusual parenting journey. She has compiled information for her presentations from a breadth of publications and from her years of dialogue with fellow parents of gifted.


October 21, 2023
Jamie Overbey
Problem Solving with Peers
Jamie Overbey will lead GCE attendees through an “adapted issue processing” exercise he employs with business executives but has specially tailored over several sessions for Super Saturday.  The exercise leverages the truth that many minds are better than one.  When business executives are brought together, they find their peers offer special capacity to relate and extend their problem-solving know-how.  The same is true when parents and caregivers of gifted are brought together, which may be a rarer occurrence.  Please bring your “How do I…?” questions, your challenges with your gifted child or their school, and your other issues for which you would like some creative problem-solving help.

Jamie Overbey is an executive advisor with Vistage Worldwide, former TSSP volunteer, father of TSSP alumni, and long-time supporter of The Program.

October 28, 2023
Maggie Gunnerson
Mensa Youth Opportunities

Executive Functioning
This session will have two topics.  First:
Opportunities for our Gifted Students: Putting YOU in the Cincinnati Area Mensa Gifted Youth Program
Maggie will give a brief overview of the national and local American Mensa programs and the opportunities they present for Gifted Youth in the Greater Cincinnati area.  She will cover admissions criteria, activities, and networking opportunities for both gifted children and their parents/guardians.

Smart but Scattered, a Quick Start
Gifted students by definition have an area of remarkable ability however, their asynchronous development often involves average (or even below average) skill in getting things done i.e. executive functioning skills.  Poor executive functioning skills jeopardize a gifted child’s ability to reach their potential in their area of strength… and their caregiver’s sanity.  The book Smart but Scattered is a wonderful resource to describe the components of executive functioning, how to quickly analyze strengths and deficit areas, and how to make progress.

Maggie Gunnerson Bio ↑


November 4, 2023
Sandra Kelly-Schilling, J.D.
College Preparation, Search, and Applications
Putting on her school counselor hat, Dr. Schilling will condense into our one-and-a-half-hour format the college counseling she provides her students and families.

There are approaches to counseling gifted children that may not be adequate for their goals and disposition.  On one extreme, they may feel pressure to be in all the most laborious classes and all the activities they can schedule.  On the other extreme, they may have their college planning neglected due to the assumption they will be just fine.  They may have learning difficulties and would do significantly better in college if they obtain appropriate supports, but they may worry that admissions officers will judge their application negatively if this information is included.  They have a smorgasbord of activities competing for their time outside of class and may face a dilemma of giving up an activity they enjoy to have time for an activity they have heard will look better to colleges.  Despite their intellectual ability, they still need an adult to gather information with them to inform their high school and college choices and to hold a safety net, making sure that placement exam, application, and scholarship deadlines are planned for and met.

The work of college admissions officers is ever changing due to trends in the employment landscape and due to social and technological events.  Admissions officers have moved from looking for indicators that applicants are well-rounded to looking for indicators that applicants have a passion.  Many had adopted a holistic review/test optional application evaluation, which they are refining because it did not always yield the mix of admitted students intended.  Many must make changes in the wake of the Supreme Court affirmative action decision.  They have all seen impacts to students’ college readiness from online learning tools and modes as online learning first emerged and then became widespread during Covid.

Dr. Schilling Bio ↑

January 13, 2024
innov8 Team
FIRST LEGO Inspires Robot Missions Summary

January 20, 2024
Scott McCormick
Spencer Center for Gifted Children

Amy Darpel
Academic Acceleration and Covington Latin School

We had not one but two TSSP parents who were able to jump in last minute to present when our scheduled speaker had to cancel.

In the morning, Scott McCormick shared his experience as a father of two gifted children currently attending Cincinnati Public’s Spencer Center for Gifted Children.  Scott serves on the Spencer Center PTSO Board.  He and his wife have been happy to answer questions about the school from TSSP families.

Amy Darpel spoke about academic acceleration from her experience as a mother of gifted children, consumer of gifted education research, and educator of gifted children. She offered comparison and contrast of the approaches toward providing advanced content to gifted children, highlighting Covington Latin’s approach and the reasons behind it.

Amy Darpel Bio ↑

Quick links to these schools are at

January 27, 2024
Anne Flick, M.Ed.
Tackling Tough Topics with Gifted Children
There are those topics that can be difficult to explain to any child, but the nature of gifted children calls for an informed approach to help them process — both intellectually and emotionally — particularly weighty subjects.  On this International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the Holocaust will serve as an example of difficult truths that have to be approached with special care as they are explained at the right ages to gifted youths.  Come discuss the various characteristics of gifted learners that call for a different approach and ways to meet their needs with understanding, care, support, and compassion.  Share your wisdom with other adults caring for the gifted.

Anne’s Holocaust education training is extensive, including the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Belfer conference for four years, along with scores of courses and trainings with other leading national Holocaust education organizations.  Additionally, she was honored to be chosen as a scholar for the selective National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar, Grappling with Genocide.

Anne Flick Bio ↑


February 3, 2024
Stephanie Bruner
What Did I Do to Deserve This?  The Ups, Downs, and In-Betweens of Raising Gifted Kids

Maggie Gunnerson
Update on Ohio Gifted Rule Changes

Stephanie Bruner Bio ↑

Maggie Gunnerson will share the latest information on the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce’s Gifted Rule revision process.  We’re compiling information and important dates at

View Maggie’s presentation in Powerpoint or in PDF format and the OAGC position she cited.

Maggie Gunnerson Bio ↑


February 10, 2024
Ann Anzalone
High Emotional Intelligence: The Key to Managing Stress, Worry, and Anxiety
In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, safety and belonging form the foundation for growth.  Learn how the foundational brain develops.  Do three essential movements the body needs to do to form the foundation for high emotional intelligence.  Understand the importance of brain derived neurotropic factor, balanced neurotransmitters, sleep, nutrition, face-to-face interactions, movement and routines in a child’s ability to develop and control his/her emotions.  Stress, worry and anxiety are a fact of life.  How children handle them are up to the child.  Give your children the tools to develop high emotional intelligence.

Ann Anzalone Bio ↑


March 9, 2024
Stan Kokotajlo
The Soap Box Derby
Mr. Kokotajlo is the director of the Cincinnati Soap Box Derby, the local organization of The International Soap Box Derby, a non-profit youth education and leadership development organization whose mission is to build knowledge and character and to create meaningful experiences through collaboration, fair and honest racing competitions, STEM curriculum, and other community-focused activities.  Mr. Kokotajlo will discuss the process of building and racing and hopes a number of TSSP students would be interested in participating. Cincinnati Soap Box Derby can even provide full car kits to build and complete in races.

Check out this news article from The Enquirer: 50th Cincinnati Soap Box Derby: Kids compete in Ault Park

March 16, 2024
Gina Baldwin
Ivory Tower to Real World: Discussion of the Risks and Pitfalls of Giftedness
Gifted children have risk factors that children with typical neurodiversity do not.  We will discuss some of the key risks and pitfalls that gifted children face.  We will explore how parents, educators, and other support system members can help mitigate those risks.

Gina Baldwin Bio ↑

March 23, 2024
Gina Baldwin & Monica Hennessy
504s, IEPs, BIPs – What does it all mean?
Some gifted children are “twice exceptional.”  Explore the options available to help support those students, even though they may have good grades and be in a gifted program.  Compiling information from various resources and utilizing Monica’s first hand knowledge of these systems, they will lead a discussion on how 504s, IEPs, and BIPs can be used by twice exceptional gifted students.

Gina Baldwin Bio ↑

Monica Hennessy has a Bachelor’s of Science and Master’s of Science in Education in mathematics.  She is currently a math professor for the University of Cincinnati at their Blue Ash campus.  She has a gifted son of her own that has kept her challenged.  She has been part of The Super Saturday Program for 9 years and has attended numerous GCE sessions, finding support and encouragement on this unique parenting journey.


March 30, 2024
School Choices – Private, Public, Online, Homeschool?
Join us for a discussion on school choice options.  We have parents involved in all types of school options that will discuss the advantages and pitfalls in their stories.  Bring your questions and experiences for a productive session.

Thank you to several parents who joined us – Tedi-Lea DeBruler, Joanna Harm, Monica Hennessy, Gena Lehn, and Jessica Williams.  We appreciate them taking their time to share their experiences and thoughts on the various options.

April 6, 2024
Gina Baldwin
Acceleration, AP, & CCP
We will discuss the requirements and processes for taking AP and CCP classes, as well as for grade or single-subject acceleration.

Gina Baldwin Bio ↑